Things have been pretty busy here lately. It just seems like we are always running running running. Madi and Ben are both doing well. Madi is talking up a storm and is putting a lot of sentences together. It's really cute. I can really see how her mind is working. When I say something, she sits and thinks about it, and then asks a question. It's so awesome to see her growing up! And she is about 75% potty trained. She has been doing great with it! She has an accident every now and then, but during the day she almost always goes on the potty every time. What a big girl!
I also have some exciting news! My brother, Nathan, and his wife, Mary had a baby on Thursday! Madi and Ben have a new cousin, Elliot! This baby is a true miracle. They tried for over 10 years to have a baby, and didn't think they would be able to. We are all so excited to meet him! They came home yesterday and are trying to settle in to their new "normal"! Congrats, Nate and Mary!!! We love you!
I love these pix! I wish so badly I was coming home with Evan in a couple weeks!! :( I miss u guys.
Congrats on the new Nephew!! All the pictures are so cute! Madi has long legs like Candice does--they are both so skinny! I wish they lived closer together! miss you guys!
I read your prayer request on mckmama's blog & wanted to tell you I've prayed for your sister. I have a son with spina bifida & would like to encourage your entire family ~~ the doctors will paint a "worst case scenario" for you that RARELY comes to pass. SB children are beautiful, intelligent, fun little people & they are wonderful blessings. I know the diagnosis is scary, but tell Amy to use this time before her daughter is born to connect with lots of SB moms and to learn all she can about what life with spina bifida is really like... don't go off what the doctors tell you life will be like, because honestly, they're rarely correct!
Biggest hugs, warmest prayers & congratulations to Amy on her little girl!
Also, congrats on your new nephew. That's awesome to have so many new babies joining your family!
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