Ever since I can remember, my grandfather struggled with Parkinson's disease. When I was a little girl, my brother and I would make fun of him and how his fingers shook. I didn't know then that he had a disease and that he couldn't help it.
My grandfather was always very loving, but very protective of us. Even when we were teenagers, he would not let us ride our bikes in the street. We always had to be on the sidewalk. We were not allowed to get into his junk drawer for fear we would hurt ourselves on his scissors. If we did manage to get his permission to look in the junk drawer, he would watch over our shoulders like a hawk. And the pencil sharpener mounted inside the basement steps-- we were not allowed anywhere near it!
I have a million fond memories of my grandfather that I could go on forever telling. I am so very sad that he left this world, but I know that he is in the presence of God, and I couldn't be any happier about that! He had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and I know he has eternal life in Heaven with Him.
There is a song sung by David Phelps that seems like it was written for my grandfather.
Fly Again
Words & music by David Phelps
His trembling hands held the church pew that day,
stuggling to stand when they asked him to pray.
With wisdom and strength his words were spoken.
but his body grew weary for his wings were broken.
But he will fly once again.
He will soar with his wings unfolded.
Hear the angels applaud as he rides
on the wind to the arms of God.
And he will fly. He will fly again.
And on that day when he left for the sky
I saw him smile as he told me goodbye.
No more would he weep for missed tomorrows.
No more would he suffer in this land of sorrows.
But he will fly once again.
He will soar with his wings unfolded.
Hear the angels applaud as he rides
on the wind to the arms of God.
And he will fly. He will fly again.
I know that he’s in a better place.
I still dream of the day when I’ll see his face.
Then we’ll embrace, and...We will fly once again.
We will soar with our wings unfolded.
Hear the angels applaud as we ride
on the wind to the arms of God,
and we will fly. We will fly again.
Julius Eugene Arnold
September 25, 1927- March 3, 2008
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