I am feeling very euphoric tonight. Gregg and Madi are tucked into bed, and here I sit looking at pictures of Madi when she was tiny. I cannot wait to have a tiny little baby again. These pictures bring it all back to me. I can't wait to push out another slimy squirmy pink baby. All of my life from when I was just a little girl myself, until now, I have dreamed of being a mommy. I dreamed of having a little baby all to myself...well, for me
and Gregg I guess. :) I still find it hard to believe that I am a mommy at all, let alone a mommy of two before long. I am living out my life dream every day. I thought I would post some old pictures of our little family. I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I do. I kept picking more and more, and couldn't seem to stop!
In this picture, Madelyn is 19 days old. This date was actually my due date!

Here she is about 10 minutes after we brought her home. I was trying my best to keep her in the sun. She had jaundice, and we were told to expose her to indirect sunlight. Unfortunately, my efforts were not enough, and as you can see in the next picture, she had to have a bililight on her for 5 days. What a nuisance....but, anything for my little one. She was 6 lbs. 2 oz. at birth, and when we brought her home, she was 5 lbs. 10 oz.

Here I am Christmas 2005. 11 days before she was born!

As I mentioned before, Madi loves green peppers. All she needs is a little ranch, and she could eat about half of a green pepper in one sitting.

The other day we were just about to go to the store, and I had to get a picture of her. I thought she looked so cute!

This is our tree this year. We got a skinny one! Sorry I forgot to flip it!

Madi is obsessed with a wooden Santa we have, and wouldn't put it down when I first got it out. She loved it last year too! Chasey's sneaking in for a snuggle.


Here she is last Christmas. She has grown up so much!

Last but not least, here's a cute video from the other day when we made cookies. She got tired of telling me what it was. "It's a cookie... ok, Mom??" You can't see it, but when we said "Chasey, NO!" the dog had licked the cookie! Eeewww!
Tomorrow I am going to get some belly pictures, and hopefully post them. I know I keep saying that.....sorry! Also, we had our ultrasound, but you'll have to wait till Dec. 26 to hear the news! :)
1 comment:
Merry Christmas! I figured out how we connected-Alivia/Emily's blog. Man I miss hearing about that little girl.
We too found out the sex of our twins on Dec. 26th. On Christmas we took a poll to see what everyone thought we were having, and I put it in their baby book.
Your little girl is darling!
How in thee world have you only gained TWO pounds?! I can gain that in a day!!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
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