Saturday, December 29, 2007
21 weeks!

He wanted us to know!
Our plan going into the ultrasound was to find out on Christmas morning. We told the tech that when we went into the room. We had taken a card with us so she could write the sex of the baby in it. Ben had his own idea though! She started scanning my belly, and pretty much right away, Gregg and I both saw something on the screen. The tech tried to inconspicuously snap a picture real quick, but Gregg and I saw what we needed to see. We looked at each other and we both asked her if we saw what we thought we saw. She smiled and said, "Congratulations! It's a boy!" So even though we were going to be surprised on Christmas morning, our little Ben wanted us to know before then.
Gregg and I are both so excited that it's a boy. He has already mentioned that he wants to paint his room Eagles green and put up a border with "deer, fish, other animals, and guns"...my response to that??? "We'll just see about that!" LOL.
We have a lot to do to get ready for Ben's arrival. His bedroom right now is full of other stuff. Gregg's home gym is in there, and all of my scrapbooking stuff. I don't know where we are going to put everything! I am going to start working on it after this weekend. I have off next weekend, which makes 11 days off.
Gregg and I decided on the name Benjamin a long time ago. I think it might have been during our first or second year of marriage. We are still talking about a middle name though. No decisions have been made there yet. Ben already feels like a Ben, and I actually refer to him that way. He really started moving around A LOT in the last two days. I absolutely love it. Gregg has felt him a bunch of times too. A couple days before Christmas, my mom had her hand on my belly and was feeling him kick. Madelyn saw what she was doing and came over and ever so gently put her hand there where Nana's hand was. I don't think she had any idea what we were doing, but she wanted a part in it! It was so cute. People ask me what Madelyn thinks about having a baby brother. I don't really think she thinks anything about it, to be honest. I talk to her about her baby brother and that she can help with him and play with him and stuff. And she kisses my belly, but I really don't think she has any idea that there is going to be a new baby in the house. Maybe by the time he is due, she will understand more.
Madi and I have both had a nasty cold for the last couple days. I am ready for it to be over with! There are a lot of people sick at work with the stomach bug. I have already been in the hospital twice with that in the past. Please pray for us that we would start to feel better, and that we would not get the stomach bug.
Happy New Year!!!
Gregg and I are both so excited that it's a boy. He has already mentioned that he wants to paint his room Eagles green and put up a border with "deer, fish, other animals, and guns"...my response to that??? "We'll just see about that!" LOL.
We have a lot to do to get ready for Ben's arrival. His bedroom right now is full of other stuff. Gregg's home gym is in there, and all of my scrapbooking stuff. I don't know where we are going to put everything! I am going to start working on it after this weekend. I have off next weekend, which makes 11 days off.
Gregg and I decided on the name Benjamin a long time ago. I think it might have been during our first or second year of marriage. We are still talking about a middle name though. No decisions have been made there yet. Ben already feels like a Ben, and I actually refer to him that way. He really started moving around A LOT in the last two days. I absolutely love it. Gregg has felt him a bunch of times too. A couple days before Christmas, my mom had her hand on my belly and was feeling him kick. Madelyn saw what she was doing and came over and ever so gently put her hand there where Nana's hand was. I don't think she had any idea what we were doing, but she wanted a part in it! It was so cute. People ask me what Madelyn thinks about having a baby brother. I don't really think she thinks anything about it, to be honest. I talk to her about her baby brother and that she can help with him and play with him and stuff. And she kisses my belly, but I really don't think she has any idea that there is going to be a new baby in the house. Maybe by the time he is due, she will understand more.
Madi and I have both had a nasty cold for the last couple days. I am ready for it to be over with! There are a lot of people sick at work with the stomach bug. I have already been in the hospital twice with that in the past. Please pray for us that we would start to feel better, and that we would not get the stomach bug.
Happy New Year!!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Madi's going to have a............
Friday, December 21, 2007
Daddy's BooBoo
Well, I wanted to take belly pictures last night and post them. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned! At least I have a good excuse this time.
Gregg called me at about 5:30 last night and said he wouldn't be home till about 6:30 because he was still going to go for a jog. Around 6:15ish he called and said he had twisted his ankle really bad and was walking the last mile of his jog. I wasn't real worried at that point...I just felt bad that he had to walk a mile on a hurting ankle. So around 6:45 he got home and could barely walk. He said he was running (in the dark-- with a headlamp on) and hit a crack in the pavement and twisted his ankle. I could tell just through his socks that it was swollen. So we ate dinner and he laid on the couch for a while, using me as a crutch to get around. We finally decided he better go get it checked. Neither of us thought it was broken, but figured we should get it looked at. He was getting a little more swollen and black and blue, and he couldn't walk on it. Fortunately my mom lives about a mile and a half from us, so we took Madi over to her house for the night. She ended up sleeping over. At the hospital, they did an x-ray and looked his ankle over and finally said he has a bad sprain. So now he is at work, with an air cast on his ankle, propped up, with ice on it. My poor hubby :(
So that is why I didn't get any belly pictures. Maybe tonight!
Gregg called me at about 5:30 last night and said he wouldn't be home till about 6:30 because he was still going to go for a jog. Around 6:15ish he called and said he had twisted his ankle really bad and was walking the last mile of his jog. I wasn't real worried at that point...I just felt bad that he had to walk a mile on a hurting ankle. So around 6:45 he got home and could barely walk. He said he was running (in the dark-- with a headlamp on) and hit a crack in the pavement and twisted his ankle. I could tell just through his socks that it was swollen. So we ate dinner and he laid on the couch for a while, using me as a crutch to get around. We finally decided he better go get it checked. Neither of us thought it was broken, but figured we should get it looked at. He was getting a little more swollen and black and blue, and he couldn't walk on it. Fortunately my mom lives about a mile and a half from us, so we took Madi over to her house for the night. She ended up sleeping over. At the hospital, they did an x-ray and looked his ankle over and finally said he has a bad sprain. So now he is at work, with an air cast on his ankle, propped up, with ice on it. My poor hubby :(
So that is why I didn't get any belly pictures. Maybe tonight!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Lots of new stuff!
I am feeling very euphoric tonight. Gregg and Madi are tucked into bed, and here I sit looking at pictures of Madi when she was tiny. I cannot wait to have a tiny little baby again. These pictures bring it all back to me. I can't wait to push out another slimy squirmy pink baby. All of my life from when I was just a little girl myself, until now, I have dreamed of being a mommy. I dreamed of having a little baby all to myself...well, for me and Gregg I guess. :) I still find it hard to believe that I am a mommy at all, let alone a mommy of two before long. I am living out my life dream every day. I thought I would post some old pictures of our little family. I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I do. I kept picking more and more, and couldn't seem to stop!
In this picture, Madelyn is 19 days old. This date was actually my due date!
Here she is about 10 minutes after we brought her home. I was trying my best to keep her in the sun. She had jaundice, and we were told to expose her to indirect sunlight. Unfortunately, my efforts were not enough, and as you can see in the next picture, she had to have a bililight on her for 5 days. What a nuisance....but, anything for my little one. She was 6 lbs. 2 oz. at birth, and when we brought her home, she was 5 lbs. 10 oz. 

Here I am Christmas 2005. 11 days before she was born!

As I mentioned before, Madi loves green peppers. All she needs is a little ranch, and she could eat about half of a green pepper in one sitting.

The other day we were just about to go to the store, and I had to get a picture of her. I thought she looked so cute!

This is our tree this year. We got a skinny one! Sorry I forgot to flip it!

Madi is obsessed with a wooden Santa we have, and wouldn't put it down when I first got it out. She loved it last year too! Chasey's sneaking in for a snuggle.


Last but not least, here's a cute video from the other day when we made cookies. She got tired of telling me what it was. "It's a cookie... ok, Mom??" You can't see it, but when we said "Chasey, NO!" the dog had licked the cookie! Eeewww!
In this picture, Madelyn is 19 days old. This date was actually my due date!
Here I am Christmas 2005. 11 days before she was born!
As I mentioned before, Madi loves green peppers. All she needs is a little ranch, and she could eat about half of a green pepper in one sitting.
The other day we were just about to go to the store, and I had to get a picture of her. I thought she looked so cute!
This is our tree this year. We got a skinny one! Sorry I forgot to flip it!
Madi is obsessed with a wooden Santa we have, and wouldn't put it down when I first got it out. She loved it last year too! Chasey's sneaking in for a snuggle.
Last but not least, here's a cute video from the other day when we made cookies. She got tired of telling me what it was. "It's a cookie... ok, Mom??" You can't see it, but when we said "Chasey, NO!" the dog had licked the cookie! Eeewww!
Tomorrow I am going to get some belly pictures, and hopefully post them. I know I keep saying that.....sorry! Also, we had our ultrasound, but you'll have to wait till Dec. 26 to hear the news! :)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Almost 20 weeks!
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I am hoping to post some belly pics this week. Sometimes I feel like my belly is really beginning to stretch. Whenever I eat a big meal, it feels like it is being pulled out! Along with that, I have been feeling a little short of breath lately, too. Kinda like I can't catch my breath. Other than that, I feel great! I am feeling a lot of kicks now and I just love it! Gregg has felt the baby kick too. I've only gained about 2 pounds, if that. I think I will start gaining more, as my appetite is coming back.
On Tuesday, the 18th, we have our 20 week ultrasound, and will have the U.S. tech write the sex of the baby in a Christmas card. That is if the baby cooperates! We got the idea from my brother-in-law. (Thanks, Darryl!) It's hard to believe that in 9 days we will know the sex of this baby. I can barely contain my excitement. Everyone that knows me knows that I will be out at Babies R Us the day after Christmas looking at stuff since I will know the sex. I will probably spend all my Christmas money on baby stuff! I am sooooo excited. I will be posting the sex of the baby by the day after Christmas, so be sure to log on! :)
As for other family news....
Madelyn has been so much fun lately. Every day she says something new. The other day we made peanut butter cookies together, (I made them and she watched!), and she said, "cookie" for the first time. She says it all the time now. It's so cute! She walks into the kitchen, reaches up to the counter for the container of cookies, and comes to me with it saying "cookie".
We put our tree up last weekend, and Madi helped me decorate it. She loves the tree, but doesn't bother it much, which is pretty surprising. She goes nuts when she sees anything inflatable in anyone's yard.
It's hard to believe I am the mother of an almost 2 year-old. These last two years have gone soooo fast.
I have a lot of pictures to post in the next couple days, so check back soon. It probably won't be tomorrow (Monday). My parents are coming home from Florida tomorrow night and I won't have a babysitter, so I will probably be planted on the couch for most of the day!
One more thing...
I just wanted to say I have a new founded addiction to The Office. If you haven't watched it, do. It is hilarious. Hopefully the strike is over soon so they play something other than reruns. We borrowed the first and second seasons on DVD and have been both addicted to it. Just thought I would add that! :)
On Tuesday, the 18th, we have our 20 week ultrasound, and will have the U.S. tech write the sex of the baby in a Christmas card. That is if the baby cooperates! We got the idea from my brother-in-law. (Thanks, Darryl!) It's hard to believe that in 9 days we will know the sex of this baby. I can barely contain my excitement. Everyone that knows me knows that I will be out at Babies R Us the day after Christmas looking at stuff since I will know the sex. I will probably spend all my Christmas money on baby stuff! I am sooooo excited. I will be posting the sex of the baby by the day after Christmas, so be sure to log on! :)
As for other family news....
Madelyn has been so much fun lately. Every day she says something new. The other day we made peanut butter cookies together, (I made them and she watched!), and she said, "cookie" for the first time. She says it all the time now. It's so cute! She walks into the kitchen, reaches up to the counter for the container of cookies, and comes to me with it saying "cookie".
We put our tree up last weekend, and Madi helped me decorate it. She loves the tree, but doesn't bother it much, which is pretty surprising. She goes nuts when she sees anything inflatable in anyone's yard.
It's hard to believe I am the mother of an almost 2 year-old. These last two years have gone soooo fast.
I have a lot of pictures to post in the next couple days, so check back soon. It probably won't be tomorrow (Monday). My parents are coming home from Florida tomorrow night and I won't have a babysitter, so I will probably be planted on the couch for most of the day!
One more thing...
I just wanted to say I have a new founded addiction to The Office. If you haven't watched it, do. It is hilarious. Hopefully the strike is over soon so they play something other than reruns. We borrowed the first and second seasons on DVD and have been both addicted to it. Just thought I would add that! :)
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