Tomorrow I will be 17 weeks pregnant. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going! It's sad to think that I will probably never be 10 weeks pregnant again, and I will never be just finding out that I am pregnant. Unless I can convince Gregg otherwise, this will be our second and last child. I am trying to enjoy every second of this pregnancy!
Here is a picture of me yesterday. We have our big ultrasound on December 18, but will be waiting to find out the sex of the baby on Christmas morning.
I am feeling pretty good these days. I still have moments of nausea, particularly when brushing my teeth. It almost always causes me to gag! I am finally gaining some weight, although only a pound or two so far.
My family had Thanksgiving at my sister's house which is about 15 minutes north of Baltimore. We had a great time eating, relaxing, and watching the little girls play. Madi's cousin, Chloe, is 8 weeks younger than her and they have a blast playing together. I hope you had a great holiday!
Christmas is just around the corner...I have to finish shopping this week. :) I love a good excuse to get out of the house to go shopping! :)
i kept waiting for you to post a picture! you look cute!
that last comment was from me-i can't remember my sign in info--sad, but kids do it to you with the memory loss! LOL! Tell Gregg we said hey!
Jake ~n~ Abbey
What a good lookin preggo mommy! Glad your trip went well!!
You do look cute! Have you guys talked about names yet? Are you going to let us know what the sex is after you find out?
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