Thursday, October 18, 2007

Here I am!

I had another doctor appointment on Tuesday, and here is what I saw! He (for this post, I am going to refer to the baby as he) looks great. His heartbeat is great and he is growing great. It is so exciting! We could see his little legs kicking, though it will be a few weeks until I will be able to feel it. He is 4.3 cm from head to butt. I always feel wonderful after a doctor appointment. At times it is hard to believe that I am pregnant again, but seeing him on the screen really makes it real. My nausea is just about completely gone. But the fatigue is still hanging around. I have been going to bed by about 9:30 every night, and even that feels late. The measurements she got indicated that he is ahead of what we thought, and that the due date would be May 6. But she said that they keep the due date at what the nurse documented at the OB education appointment, which was May 9-- Gregg's birthday! We think that is pretty cool, but I am hoping the baby doesn't go that long! I've been seeing so many babies lately, and I cannot wait to hold a tiny little one again!

Finding Nemo on Ice was a blast! It was so much fun. When Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy came out on the ice to do the intro, Madi started squealing and didn't stop for about 10 minutes. There was a teenage girl sitting next to me, and she kept looking over at her, and seemed to be thinking, "Make her be quiet!" Wait till she has a kid! When a fun song came on, Madi started doing a little dance, it was so cute. Gregg and I both loved it, too, and we both said we would definitely do it again. Here are some pictures from the night.

This is Madelyn squealing when they first came out. (Sorry, my hand got in the way)

Madi and her daddy before it started.

Most of the pictures I got were too dark, but this one was the best.

These last 21 months have gone so fast, and Madelyn is a big girl now! I was at Walmart the other day and was getting diapers and was in the baby section, and it hit me that there is not much in the baby section for Madi anymore! Only sippy cups and diapers. She doesn't eat any baby food at all. Not even Graduates. It made me sad that she is growing up but at the same time, excited for where we are going with her. She's discovered she loves to color and draw with a pencil. She does a bunch of animal sounds now and it just sounds so cute! When I am holding her, she pats my back. She is doing something new every day, and I am totally loving it. Oh yeah, I forgot a couple words she says. Hello, hi, byebye, and booboo can be added to the list. And she also LOVES raw green peppers. Green peppers and cucumbers are about the only veggies I can get her to eat without fighting with her.
I am back to work this weekend, so if I don't post, that's why. :(

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