Today I hit the big 10 weeks! The nausea seems to be letting up a bit. Today I am wearing a maternity outfit for the first time. I actually feel like I got bigger just today...maybe just wishful thinking. :) My appointment on Sept. 28 went very well. The baby is still measuring right on for May 8th. Wouldn't it be something if I delivered a day late, on Gregg's birthday? Madelyn was 19 days early, so I am not anticipating going late, but it still would be cool! We heard the heartbeat during the ultrasound, nice and strong at 172. At work this past weekend, I wanted to see if I could hear the heartbeat with the doppler we have on our unit. Low and behold, we could hear the wonderful sound. :) I had all the girls at work grinning from ear to ear. Even one girl who I barely ever see smile was smiling so big. It was awesome. It is really reassuring to be able to hear the little one every time I am at work.
I am enjoying having off from work now. The weekends tire me out. I haven't gotten much done in the way of housework, but it sure is wonderful to get caught up on some sleep.
I can't wait! Tomorrow night Gregg, me and Madi are going to see Finding Nemo on Ice!!!! It's in Reading. I have never been to anything "on ice" and I am sure it is going to be an experience. I will be sure to post some pictures of tomorrow night, as well as some belly pictures in the coming days.
Some updates on Madelyn:
Here are the words she says (I may forget some)
- No
- Momma
- Dadda
- "om" (home)
- "dis" (this)
- Oh no!
- Oh my!
- dirty
- bubble
- Bible (sounds a lot like bubble!)
- moe (more)
- ha (hat)
- yay!
- ball
- go
I know there are more, but I can't think of them right now. Some of her favorite foods are
cucumbers, spaghetti, pizza, raisins, milk, Cinnamon Life, Strawberry Frosted Mini Wheats, cheese. She does not like potatoes at all and will only eat french fries or tater tots. She doesn't like eggs either.
I am going to try to post a picture of her and then I have to go get some housework done!