Friday, August 15, 2008
Two cute kids
A couple weeks ago, I walked away from Madelyn for one minute while she was drawing with markers. This is what I found when I came back in the room!
Here's the little cutie pie. He'll be 4 months tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ok, I admit it. I am a terrible blogger. I keep telling myself that I am going to start posting more often, and I never do! I am sorry to all of my faithful readers that I don't give updates more often.
Things are going great for us! The kids are getting so big! Madelyn has been doing AWESOME with potty training. A couple weeks ago I decided to do all out potty training, and it is going better than I could have imagined. She has had 3 accidents in 2 weeks, and never pees in her diaper except naptime and bedtime. When we go somewhere, we put her in a diaper just because we don't trust her yet in the car and stuff...but as soon as we get to our destination, she goes on the potty! She is really doing well, and I am so excited about it! We have saved so much money on diapers, just in the last 2 weeks! And Madi loves the idea of wearing panties. She picked out Little Mermaid panties. :) She is also starting to talk a lot more. She's not quite making sentences yet, which frustrates me. But she is starting to say more words and trying to repeat what I say. It's so cute! She is really becoming a little girl.
Benjamin is doing great too! He is still really on the small side. I wish he would get some rolls! But it's kinda fun having him little too though because he isn't growing up too fast. He will be 4 months in 3 days! I can't believe how fast these last 4 months have gone. He continues to be a very content, happy baby. He is sleeping good for me during the day now too. We are no longer swaddling him and that makes things a lot easier. He wanted to be swaddled up until about 2 weeks ago. He's sleeping between 8-10 hours at night. Nursing is going well, but I worry about my milk supply when I work. I've been working 12-16 hours a week and am having trouble pumping enough when at work. I hope I can keep up with pumping on the days I have off so my supply doesn't drop, and so I don't have to give him any formula. So far he has had none! It feels great!
Ben is really beginning to become a social little guy! We have conversations with each other, and his little voice is so precious. He loves to be included in the family activity. Sometimes if I think it is naptime (like around dinner time for us), he cries in his crib, so I bring him out to the dining room with us and he acts as though he just didn't want to be back in his room by himself. He wants to be where the action is! And he loves his big sister, and smiles at her all the time. Madi sometimes gets too excited about her baby brother and gets too close for comfort and he lets us know!
A couple weeks ago we went to Knoebels. My friend's 15 year old sister, Tiffany, came with us. She's been helping me this summer with playing with Madelyn during the day so I can do housework. She also comes with me when we go shopping. Taking two kids to the store by myself is nearly impossible. Madi's not crazy about shopping. Just give her a year or two! :) I hope! She likes to take the Nuk out of Ben's mouth when he's in the bottom of the shopping cart in his car seat, and she likes to stand up in the cart. So Tiffany comes with us. She takes a cart and I take a cart and it makes things a whole lot easier. I will be so lonely when she goes back to school in a couple weeks.
Ok, so back to Knoebels. We went on a Friday. Gregg took a vacation day and we all piled in our new minivan. Madi loved the rides! She even went on the big rides with us. She got a little nervous when her belly fell out on the big ship, and she didn't like the big wet ride. But she loved the kiddy rides and the tilt-a-whirl and rides like that. I got free tickets to Dutch Wonderland and am planning on going either on Friday or some day next week with my mom and the kids. I can't wait!
Oh yeah, by the way, we got a new minivan. We decided it was time to trade in the Saturn. It was too small for getting the kids in and out, and when the kids were in the car, there was no room for anything else. And forget trying to fit the double stroller in the trunk. Plus the Saturn sounded like it was going to die any day. Neither Gregg nor I wanted to be driving around with a 2 year old and a baby with an unreliable car. We did our research and decided on a Toyota Sienna. It's so nice! We have so much more cargo space, and Madelyn loves it too! I will post pictures sometime this week. A lot of young moms I know say, "I will never drive a minivan!" But I kinda like being a "Minivan Mom" :)
Gregg and I are doing well too. It's hard to find time for the two of us now that we have a busy life with two little ones. But we wouldn't trade our lives for the world! We love being parents to the two cutest kids in the world!
Things are going great for us! The kids are getting so big! Madelyn has been doing AWESOME with potty training. A couple weeks ago I decided to do all out potty training, and it is going better than I could have imagined. She has had 3 accidents in 2 weeks, and never pees in her diaper except naptime and bedtime. When we go somewhere, we put her in a diaper just because we don't trust her yet in the car and stuff...but as soon as we get to our destination, she goes on the potty! She is really doing well, and I am so excited about it! We have saved so much money on diapers, just in the last 2 weeks! And Madi loves the idea of wearing panties. She picked out Little Mermaid panties. :) She is also starting to talk a lot more. She's not quite making sentences yet, which frustrates me. But she is starting to say more words and trying to repeat what I say. It's so cute! She is really becoming a little girl.
Benjamin is doing great too! He is still really on the small side. I wish he would get some rolls! But it's kinda fun having him little too though because he isn't growing up too fast. He will be 4 months in 3 days! I can't believe how fast these last 4 months have gone. He continues to be a very content, happy baby. He is sleeping good for me during the day now too. We are no longer swaddling him and that makes things a lot easier. He wanted to be swaddled up until about 2 weeks ago. He's sleeping between 8-10 hours at night. Nursing is going well, but I worry about my milk supply when I work. I've been working 12-16 hours a week and am having trouble pumping enough when at work. I hope I can keep up with pumping on the days I have off so my supply doesn't drop, and so I don't have to give him any formula. So far he has had none! It feels great!
Ben is really beginning to become a social little guy! We have conversations with each other, and his little voice is so precious. He loves to be included in the family activity. Sometimes if I think it is naptime (like around dinner time for us), he cries in his crib, so I bring him out to the dining room with us and he acts as though he just didn't want to be back in his room by himself. He wants to be where the action is! And he loves his big sister, and smiles at her all the time. Madi sometimes gets too excited about her baby brother and gets too close for comfort and he lets us know!
A couple weeks ago we went to Knoebels. My friend's 15 year old sister, Tiffany, came with us. She's been helping me this summer with playing with Madelyn during the day so I can do housework. She also comes with me when we go shopping. Taking two kids to the store by myself is nearly impossible. Madi's not crazy about shopping. Just give her a year or two! :) I hope! She likes to take the Nuk out of Ben's mouth when he's in the bottom of the shopping cart in his car seat, and she likes to stand up in the cart. So Tiffany comes with us. She takes a cart and I take a cart and it makes things a whole lot easier. I will be so lonely when she goes back to school in a couple weeks.
Ok, so back to Knoebels. We went on a Friday. Gregg took a vacation day and we all piled in our new minivan. Madi loved the rides! She even went on the big rides with us. She got a little nervous when her belly fell out on the big ship, and she didn't like the big wet ride. But she loved the kiddy rides and the tilt-a-whirl and rides like that. I got free tickets to Dutch Wonderland and am planning on going either on Friday or some day next week with my mom and the kids. I can't wait!
Oh yeah, by the way, we got a new minivan. We decided it was time to trade in the Saturn. It was too small for getting the kids in and out, and when the kids were in the car, there was no room for anything else. And forget trying to fit the double stroller in the trunk. Plus the Saturn sounded like it was going to die any day. Neither Gregg nor I wanted to be driving around with a 2 year old and a baby with an unreliable car. We did our research and decided on a Toyota Sienna. It's so nice! We have so much more cargo space, and Madelyn loves it too! I will post pictures sometime this week. A lot of young moms I know say, "I will never drive a minivan!" But I kinda like being a "Minivan Mom" :)
Gregg and I are doing well too. It's hard to find time for the two of us now that we have a busy life with two little ones. But we wouldn't trade our lives for the world! We love being parents to the two cutest kids in the world!
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